
Let’s Mask SA initiative | www.letsmask.co.za

During this unprecedented lockdown, Shantell Jacobs and her Mother, Helen Jacobs have been sewing masks for our immediate family. They also started sewing masks for petrol attendants in their area and then eventually started making for the police men and woman in our area.

Her Mother sent her a post that she had seen online on how the Czech Republic managed to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. They essentially launched a nationwide campaign encouraging people to make fabric masks. Drop-off points were arranged for the masks where they were collected by health officials and was then distributed to the communities. It took them 3 days to mask the entire country.

This campaign produced positive results and showed a significant containment of their infection rate.

Henceforth, they have taken heed and founded Let’s Mask SA – an initiative by a stellar team of volunteers, including graphic designers, producers and editors, with the common goal to provide home-made masks to every South African.

The challenge would be for each abled household to produce washable face-masks made from household fabrics. Our simple mask-making template can be used to make masks from old clothes and sheets. Drop-off zones will be confirmed in due course and the masks will be distributed to communities by Gift of the Givers and the DA in the Western Cape.

We intend on launching the campaign to the public on Thursday 9 April 2020. We will be using the following platforms to spread the word: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp.
Here are all the social media links:

Let’s Mask SA on Facebook
Let’s Mask SA (@lets_mask_sa) on Twitter
Let’s Mask SA (@lets_mask_sa) on Instagram

This is where they are going to need you… Any successful campaign needs as much exposure as possible.

They would be forever grateful for your participation as a healthy nation is a priceless commodity.

The Let’s Mask SA initiative is completely voluntary in nature and there is no financial gain for organisers nor participants alike.

From our Let’s Mask SA team and our fellow South Africans, we would like to thank you for being part of what could be our saving grace in our fight against this Pandemic.

Kindest Regards
Keep safe and God speed.

Shantell Jacobs | Helen Jacobs