Vasco Special Needs Centre (VSN Centre) has been established to provide young adults with special needs (autism spectrum and mentally challenged) with sheltered employment. Income is derived from products made and packed by the young adults.
Presently we focus mainly on young adults in their last year of school and up to the age of 26 years.
Founded on 26 April 2016
Call 0794689311
Vasco Special Needs Centre has been established to provide young adults with special needs with sheltered employment.
Bath Salts; Muffin Mix; Chocolate raisins and peanuts; Jelly Orange Slices, Dried Fruit, Handmade jewellery and charms
Good day, I’m a mother of a 13yo autistic boy and would like to have more information about the offerings you have at your Centre. Your website provided most of the information I wanted, but I would like to have a better understanding of the daily schedule or routine.
Some more information about the following would also be appreciated:
application process, operational/daily hours, at what age must I apply for my son.
Hi Crystal,
Thanks for reaching out – I suggest you contact them directly for the required info.